Curvy Barmaid Gangbang

$name1 is a voluptuous girl working as a barmaid, and one night after getting a lot of attention from a group of guys, she caves and lets them buy her a drink…

Unlike other girls, $name1 was voluptuous. A big projecting ass, huge tits that hung a little.

She didn’t attend the gym; her body wasn’t what you could call fit. She was in her twenties and worked at a local bar.

$name1 was used to attracting the attention of men; her lack of toning and “traditional” model looks were compensated by her ass and tits.

She usually wore comfortable dresses that exposed much of her boobs.

As she walked back and forth between tables, her buttocks swung like a pendulum. They were really big.

She could feel all eyes on her ass. Some were looking at her with desire, others just curious. In $name1’s mind, it made no difference.

At the end of the day, they were looking at her, and that made her feel good for the most part.

“We’re a few drinks short here, cutie.” A man who was already transitioning into a drunken state far too quickly had shouted at her.

She went for the drinks, and the man looked at her with myopic eyes because of the alcohol.

$name1 ignored these things most of the time.

When she went to the bar to sit for a few minutes until they called again, she heard laughter coming from the same table behind her.

She didn’t need to have heard to know they were making a sexual joke at her expense.

On a daily basis, $name1 had to put up with drunken, foolish creatures who felt the right many times to treat her badly.

However, she knew how to defend herself very well, and on occasion, she could sit with them if things went as they should.

The bar was rather small with a few couches stationed at the back of the room.

$name1 walked around carrying drinks, and her tits moved with her many times preceding her.

She didn’t bother to hide them; her cleavage was rather low. Women entering the bar gave her looks that she couldn’t always identify. $name1 just went about her work.

She never missed the occasional flirtation with some of the customers who were regular visitors to the bar, men who already knew her and tried to offer her drinks.

“I can’t. I’m working.” She used to say when she wasn’t in the least bit in the mood for a drink.

The men would feign disappointment and continue their conversations as if nothing had happened.

One night, some guys came to the bar.

They were four men, and their vociferousness had been audible from outside.

They entered in high spirits, approaching the bar to order their drinks. The bar was almost empty, except for a few regulars who had been talking in pasty voices for the past half hour.

$name1 watched the guys come in, her eyes wandering equally from one to the next.

They were all attractive guys, and $name1 felt her nipples harden. They walked straight to the bar throwing their fists in the air, and high-fiving each other.

“We won!” one of them shouted. $name1 found this behavior ridiculous.

They were very burly men. Two of them wore sleeveless flannels, and the remaining two wore very tight T-shirts that gave a glimpse of their abs.

The bar was clear, except for $name1. Considering the lazy day, she didn’t have much to do except wait for more drink orders.

“Good evening. Let’s get four beers if you please.” Asked the one who had shouted that they had won.

After that, they all went to sit at the table closest to the bar.

They had all seen $name1’s huge and somewhat sagging breasts.

She asked her co-worker at the bar to pass her the beers, and she wiggled her prominent ass over the beers to where the new arrivals were sitting.

They wasted no time in looking at her from head to toe, with half smiles on their faces.

$name1 wiggled that way all the time, she did it more out of habit, in that instant she did it purely on purpose to wiggle her huge ass in front of those men.

She saw that one of them nudged the guy closest to her. She smiled and returned to the bar to wait.

The night went on as normal. The only exception lay in the fact that $name1 was flirting more and more with these guys.

They would call her about anything they could think of. They would drink beers, as well as shots just to get $name1 to come to their table. The guys would get drunk and $name1 would strut from place to place making her ass jiggle like jelly.

She would hear them mumbling things as she made her way to another table. She didn’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing, but they hadn’t stopped doing it so far tonight.

“Honey, get us four beers.” He ordered one, and $name1 checked to see that they were already calling her honey.

She smiled, and went with the four beers to the table, and bent over exaggeratedly so that her breasts were much more visible. All four held their breath.

Seconds later, she returned to the bar with flushed cheeks. The boys were extremely attractive. The night was moving full speed ahead, and the flirting was increasing exponentially.

We came to a head, $name1 stopped sitting at the bar under the bartender’s complicit gaze, to sit with the four guys. The one who had spoken first was named Brian, and it was that guy that $name1 liked so much.

The other three had some particularity, but $name1 let herself be carried away by the attraction she felt for Brian.

She couldn’t even remember their names. At the table, everyone laughed and drank even the water in the bowls.

$name1 finally accepted a few drinks.

The time to close the bar was fast approaching. She was walking seductively to the bar when the bartender announced it was closing time.

“Will you stay with those guys here?” His colleague asked her.

“Yeah… I’ll take care of closing. No problem.” She replied, and the bartender left with a suspicious expression on his face.

When she returned, the guys questioned her about it. She said they could stay a while longer. There were only the five of them in the bar.

No one else was there. The regulars had been gone for an hour, drunk as a skunk.

$name1 unleashed all her charm, spreading it on the guys. Brian, as expected, was the first to reach out an arm to put his hand on $name1’s breast, without the slightest dissimulation.

The other boys followed suit a few minutes later. $name1 imagined the possibilities. Her moist, welcoming cave was crying out to be touched and licked.

$name1 let her breasts be fondled by Brian and one of the other boys. The other two watched with red faces from the drinks.

They were massaging their cocks with one hand watching their friends fondle $name1. She watched all this without lifting a finger. It was what $name1 wanted.

She spread her legs, and Brian reached a hand in to touch her pussy, which at that point was wet, and ready for them.

Brian took things to the next level, as he moved his mouth closer to $name1’s.

Even his hand had not yet returned from the expedition between $name1’s legs, and she let out a sigh that made it clear she was enjoying what was happening.

There were four men involved; however, the morbidity that $name1 was getting from this fact was far more powerful.

Brian plunged his face into her breasts and licked rapturously at her erect nipples stiff as small pebbles.

She threw her head back and enjoyed it to the fullest when the other boy decided to take more direct action, and licked her other breast.

The two who were not participating pulled their cocks out. They stood up, stripped off their T-shirts, revealing very pronounced abs.

They were already close to where $name1 was writhing in pleasure on the chair. She reached out a hand and touched those abs, then her hand went to their cocks which were hard to their maximum capacity.

“Let’s go over to the couch.” Proposed Brian as he saw that she was willing to be with all four of them.

On the way, $name1’s clothes were ripped off and she sat on the couch completely naked.

Four cocks surrounded her.

One was thrust violently into her mouth. However, she only had two hands, both of which filled them with very hard cocks.

$name1 sucked Brian’s cock as he rammed into her face. $name1 moved her hands around the cocks they contained, but she didn’t know who they belonged to.

She only knew she was too busy. Brian was thrusting so that his cock was embedded in $name1’s throat, so much so that it was stuck. $name1 struggled to hold back gagging, as she didn’t want to give up having that thick, delicious member in her mouth.

The fourth man, who wasn’t even getting any, masturbated slowly, however, being desperate to participate, he hit $name1’s face and head with his package.

She couldn’t believe what was happening and thought of nothing that could change her mind. Brian withdrew from her mouth and sat down on the couch. She had understood the signal and sat on his waiting phallus.

$name1’s intention had been to enter Brian’s member in her wet, yearning pussy, but he had other plans.

He grabbed her by the hips and plunged it all the way into her ass. $name1’s giant buttocks almost covered Brian, and the others moved in a race to get to $name1’s mouth.

The two who had been left behind looked at each other and settled for $name1’s hands. She masturbated them, while sucking a cock the size of a small log, and rode Brian, who fucked her in the ass, moving up, drilling her, busting her ass.

She was making noises, gasping, and moaning, her moans having taken a back seat to the cock of large proportions lodged in her throat.

Everyone was breathing heavily, heavily.

$name1 had big tears running down her cheeks from the effort she was having to make with the cock in her throat.

Brian was assaulting her more and more violently, $name1’s buttocks were bouncing, and all that flesh was being taken between Brian’s anuses to help keep up the pace.

Time was going at full speed; they weren’t taking it.

$name1 sat facing Brian.

That time he penetrated her pussy, and she leaned over more so that a second lucky boy took possession of her bouncing buttocks at the slightest touch and rammed her asshole as Brian had before.

The others masturbated waiting for their turn.

The onslaught of both gained strength, and $name1 felt those two cocks inside her, maybe they were touching inside her, and that turned her on even more.

She screamed, and begged the boys not to stop, while they made a huge effort to try to keep up with her.

Brian was biting her nipples, taking advantage of the moment. Two others were waiting for their turn, losing their patience.

“Come on, Brian.” $name1 heard one say.

Meanwhile, Brian kept moving, fucking $name1 as if he wanted to hurt her.

The man fucking her in the ass pulled away, and another was able to take his place, grabbing $name1 by the hips and ramming her with great energy, fearing he would be stripped of such a big ass.

This eventually happened, as Brian refused to give up his spot. $name1 tasted four cocks that day, and half the time she didn’t know who each one belonged to.

She cried out sharply the moment an orgasm ripped through her, showering her with his fluids, as another guy rammed into her ass with uncontrolled momentum.

Brian let out a grunt, and $name1 realized that he had finished inside her. It was the only way Brian could pull away.

$name1 sat down on the couch, and the others gathered around her. They all wagged their cocks in front of her. $name1 opened her mouth and a shower of cum poured down on her.

Each one came all over her face. The semen ran a long way down to her breasts; she swallowed and licked what didn’t fall near her mouth. All three men had poured their discharges over $name1’s face.

She closed the bar as the guys said their goodbyes to her. $name1 was slow to do so, as she was covered in cum. Once she was clean, she started for home.

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