Anonymous Bar Bathroom Blowjob

$name1 is drinking at the bar, and whilst she is enjoying her own company it’s not long until she is joined by a stranger. It isn’t too long before they end up in the stalls…

At the bar, the situation had been out of control for several hours. $name1 was drunk. She had stopped getting up because she was staggering about, and it wasn’t that she was dancing.

And when drunk, $name1 also gets horny.

A man approached her, and she spent the rest of the night drinking with him until he suggested she take the party to the bathroom. The two of them made their way to the bathroom with laughter.

The kisses were slobbery and not at all sensual. He filled $name1’s face with saliva, but she didn’t notice because she was so drunk. They went into a cubicle.

The man pulled $name1’s blouse off, tearing one of the straps. She didn’t notice this either. He kissed her breasts, sucked them, sucked her nipples like crazy, and $name1 groped for his penis, she kept nodding, her eyes squinted, but she responded to the stimuli of the man who had ripped off her blouse.

Her huge breasts were in the man’s hands, he was squeezing them, and she in turn had found the man’s member which was already very erect and ready. $name1 was almost uncontrollably provoked to suck his cock.

Once the thought assaulted $name1’s mind, she could no longer shake it off. The man was still sucking on her breasts, he was hurting her even if she didn’t notice.

$name1 crouched in the small cubicle, had it been bigger, she would have fallen, but she was able to hold on to the walls of the place. Kneeling down, myopic-eyed $name1 reached for the zipper of the man’s pants, by some sort of miracle pulled it down, and pulled out an erect, pre-cum drooling cock.

She took it into her mouth very clumsily, with her teeth she scraped the surface a little. Her partner pulled back, but then let her continue.

This time more calmly, she tried again. She tried to lift her head as his cock went in and out of her mouth, however, she got dizzy and stopped trying. She went to the side and placed one of her hands that was on his cock, on one of the cubicle walls to support herself.

He was still pinching her nipples, as $name1’s breasts remained in the air, while she kept scraping his cock with her teeth, her hands were too tight, $name1’s head was moving without much direction, trying to give oral sex to the man who had invited her into the bathroom.

Yet he didn’t seem to be aware of the rough oral sex being performed on him. He moved his hips, and $name1 choked on his cock, as she was not expecting it and was not prepared.

She pulled his member out, held it with one hand for a second, she recovered and slipped it back in with very little skill into her mouth.

The man after several minutes of sucking noticed something strange, perhaps something in his mind had turned on ignoring the alcohol, and he took control. He thrust his hips into $name1’s face.

He held her head and fucked her face, because it was easier that way, she lay still, maybe she passed out for an instant.

Be that as it may, she managed to hold his cock in her mouth as he rammed into her face so he could come. He did so inside $name1’s mouth. She swallowed most of it, spilling some that ran down her chin and then to her chest.


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