Fraternity Blow Bang For Halloween Cheerleader

$name1 is a cheerleader and is going, with her girlfriends, to the fraternity Halloween party. Once there, the football players have something in store for her…

$name1 was bored.

She blew a raspberry watching the football game. There was little more for $name1 to do.

The football team was slogging through a game, that it should have been winning easily. $name1 turned toward the stands and looked at the bored faces among the university’s students.

“This is stupid,” $name1 said, to Jessica, one of the other cheerleaders and one of her better friends on the squad.

“Yeah,” Jessica agreed, nodding her head. Jessica’s long, brown ponytail bobbed up and down.

$name1 was a junior business major.

She had chosen the small college in the foothills of central Maryland as a way to escape her small town in South Carolina. $name1 considered herself a Southern belle.

She had been a cheerleader in high school. So becoming one for the university was a natural progression.

The only minor part was the girls here were a little more athletic, not as bubbly and not to mention quite sexier, as she and her cheerleading squad had been back home.

$name1 looked the part of a cheerleader. Her tanned skin and Kardashian dimensions made $name1 a stand out on an already beautiful squad.

“Let’s see if we can do something,” said Fiona, the squad’s captain. Fiona had been captain for 2 years and the squad reflected her attitude, outlook, and appearance.

Her sandy complexion, long black hair, and toned body marked her as another beauty on the squad. Many of the other cheerleaders followed their captain in appearance.

Fiona was from New Jersey and her accent sometimes came through when she was really excited.

“I doubt it,” $name1 quipped. She rolled her eyes.

“Just get ready,” Fiona shot back. The beautiful Latino glanced over her shoulder to the other cheerleaders. “Make it sound good!”

The squad went through their routine, trying to get the crowd back into the lifeless 12- 3 game. Their team was barely clinging to the lead. Some in the crowd responded to the cheerleader’s efforts.

“Hey are you going to the Frat’s party?” Fiona asked $name1, as they stood in the locker room.

“I might,” $name1 said. She looked toward the squad’s captain, another of her friends. “I still gotta find a costume.”

“Shit you could go naked,” Fiona laughed. Her honey-colored eyes took in $name1’s body.

$name1 blushed slightly. She saw Fiona looking at her. “I don’t know if Richard would appreciate that,” $name1 laughed. She stood in front of a mirror, admiring her body. $name1 cupped her with her arm breasts, propping them up, making them fuller.

Fiona laughed again at her comment.

The cheerleaders were in their part of the locker room, more a dressing room for them, after the football team’s lackluster 17-6 win. All were in various stages of undress.

Fiona and $name1 both went into the room near the showers, standing in front of the mirrors admiring their bodies, occasionally sneaking a peek at each other’s bodies.

Their bodies shone with a fine coat of sweat and steam. A fine mist hung in the air, providing the air with dampness.

“Yeah, Rafael might have a heart attack, if you showed off all of that,” giggled Fiona. She slapped $name1 on her voluptuous ass.

“Girl stop,” $name1 laughed, slapping at Fionas’ hand. She had been complimented on her rear for a while. Both men and women talked about it. $name1 used to get defensive about it, but during the latter part of her high school years, she had grown to love it and appreciate it. Her ass had gotten her many things.

“Bet you don’t say anything when Rafael has you bent over, beating it up,” Fiona laughed, sneaking in another light slap.

$name1 blushed while laughing. “Girl I gotta hurry up,” she said.

“Why?” Fiona asked. “You know we’ve got an after party down at the club? I and a couple of the girls are going.”

“I got someplace to be,” $name1 said. She didn’t tell her friend that she was a stripper at one of the “upmarket” strip clubs in downtown.

$name1 had chosen the spot because it was a little more upscale than the rest and also because there was no way for any of her friends to ever see her. “I would come if I could though.”

“You and Richard got plans?” Fiona laughed.

$name1 pretended not to hear the comment and Fiona dropped the matter.

After she got dressed, $name1 stopped by Fiona’s locker. The buxom Jessica was unaware of $name1 standing behind her.

Several other cheerleaders were standing close by. “Hey you want to go costume shopping tomorrow,” $name1 whispered.

Fiona jumped, startled by $name1’s sudden appearance. She nodded her head “yes.” “We gon find you something sexy!” Fiona laughed.

The next day, the two young women went out shopping. They visited several shops but couldn’t find anything to their liking.

At their final stop, Fiona found a costume, entitled “Naughty Nurse.” The one-piece pink halter style dress was form-fitting, sported a big red and white cross across the chest, stopped at the upper thigh, and had a plunging neckline.

$name1 modeled the outfit for Fiona. The dress clearly showed off the tops of $name1’s firm breasts. Her breasts jiggled as she walked around. $name1 bounced on her heels several times.

“Girl you look hot in that,” Fiona said. Her eyes took in the shapely cheerleader.

She marvels at the image in front of her. Fiona had to admit to herself that $name1 looked hot in the costume.

“Are you sure,” $name1 asked. She twisted around in the mirror, trying to see every inch of the outfit. “Does this work for the party?”

“Hell yeah!” Fiona giggled. She reached out and patted $name1 on the thigh. Her hand lingered on $name1’s thigh for a moment.

$name1 tried to playfully avoid the touch but was unsuccessful. Fiona’s hand felt hot, where it had touched her skin.

$name1 shuddered involuntarily at the thought that suddenly popped in her head. “Ok, she agreed. “I’ll get this. What about you?”

“I need to get one,” Fiona said.

Fiona left $name1 and looked along with the rack of costumes. She had already selected several out.

Fiona went into the dressing room that $name1 had just occupied and tried them on. She could still smell $name1 in the dressing room. Fiona can out of the dressing room in a witch’s costume that showed off her sexy thighs. Fiona spun around modeling it.

“Girl you are going to hurt somebody’s feelings with that one,” $name1 laughed. She eyes Fiona in the costume; sizing her up. In the back of her mind, $name1 hoped that Fiona wouldn’t get the seductive costume.

She didn’t want anyone to outclass her at the party. $name1 knew that in that costume, Fiona would look breathtaking. “Are you sure about that one though?”

“I’ll get it,” Fiona said, looking at herself in the mirror again. She blew a kiss over her shoulder at $name1.

$name1 pretended to catch the imaginary kiss. “Watch out I might want to see if you really can kiss,” $name1 mocked.

The day of the party arrived. Several other fraternities and sororities were hosting parties. However, the Frat’s Halloween party was known to be the biggest and some said the best of the campus parties. Many of the cheerleaders were going to the party.

“$name1 you look good in that,” Jessica said, watching $name1 put on her costume.

“Thanks, bitch,” $name1 joked.

She pulled up the front of the dress, helping to prop up her breasts. $name1 turned around in the mirror and admired her ass. She had discovered that the dress was thin enough to show off her nipples and show that she wasn’t wearing any underwear.

“I’ll show you a bitch, slut,” Jessica retorted. Jessica cute in her own right was dressed in a black witch’s dress, that was shredded by design at her knees and a black pointed hat.

Jessica walked into the bathroom behind $name1. She pushed $name1 on the arm. “What now?”

“Let me get dressed,” $name1 giggled, slapping at Jessica, who was grabbing at her breasts. “I need to be the prettiest girl there.”

“I’m going to help you,” Jessica laughed. She grabbed one of $name1’s nipples and pinched it. “I’m going to make sure your ta-tas show up and that way the boys will notice you!”

$name1 tried to slap her friend’s hand away. She twisted and turned as Jessica’s hand darted in and grabbed a handful of breasts. “Girl stop,” $name1 squealed.

She had to admit to herself that she liked it when someone played with her breasts. Her mind was ecstatic with the touch from Jessica. “They don’t need no help to show up.”

“You’re right,” Jessica laughed. She bumped $name1, trying to get a little more space in front of the bathroom mirror. Jessica adjusted her costume, trying to show a little more cleavage.

“Girl my nipples are hard now,” $name1 said. She looked down at her nipples, which were poking through the fabric of the outfit. $name1 put her hands over her breasts, feigning indignation.

Jessica just laughed. Her hand shot out a squeezed $name1’s breast again.

The two cheerleaders got dressed and went to the party. Fiona had called $name1 on the way, telling her that she would meet the two of them there. The Frat had their own house on campus.

It was a modest house, which had been renovated and redesigned for the fraternity. As they neared the building, $name1 and Jessica could hear the music before they saw the crowd of people.

“Damn everyone must be there,” Jessica said, looking slack-jawed at the line of people.

“You know it!” $name1 smiled. She deliberately slowed her walk, causing her ass and breasts to jiggle. $name1 heard several catcalls.

Jessica playfully slapped her on the ass. “Look at you!” Jessica laughed. “See you are going to start something tonight that you can’t finish.”

“Sure,” $name1 mocked. “The monsters in the dark are going to get me.”

Once they got they got to the house, $name1, and Jessica stood in a line of costumed people.

Both girls were getting approving stares from some of the fraternity boys who were mobbed around the front porch and other young men standing in the line.

“Look at these guys,” Jessica whispered. She nudged $name1 with her elbow.

“Yeah I see them,” $name1 giggled. She glanced at several guys, dressed in various costumes, who smiled and waved back. “I can’t get into trouble though. Richard is my baby!”

“Shit be free tonight,” Jessica laughed.

When the $name1 and Jessica finally entered the house, they discovered a house full of costumes partygoers, doing many different things.

Some people were dancing, some drinking, some playing cards, and others engaged in whispered conversations. The two cheerleaders took the whole scene in. They both laughed at what they saw.

“Girl, don’t get lost,” $name1 yelled over the music at Jessica. “Don’t get too crazy.”

Jessica nodded her head acknowledging $name1’s statements. She looked around, trying to see where she was going to go and what to do first. Jessica adjusted her costume again, trying to show more skin.

$name1 spotted two of the other cheerleaders, waved, and headed over to them. She felt good as she got amidst the other girls, who were dressed as a fairy and a princess.

As the night went on $name1 began to enjoy herself more and more. The other cheerleaders had helped her to relax, making sure her drink (vodka and Coke) was never empty.

To $name1, it tasted like more vodka than anything else… The drink burned as it went down, but after a few minutes, $name1 began to feel the effects of the alcohol.

She danced with several frat boys. Twice they tried to feel her up. $name1 slapped their hands away.

“Hey girl,” Fiona said, surprising $name1 as she danced with another touchy-feely-horny frat boy.

“What’s up?” $name1 said, turning to look at the beautiful head cheerleader.

Fiona’s costume fit her so well and her makeup was done for effect, making her appear all the sexier. Lavender eye shadow brought out her honey-colored eyes.

The tops of $name1’s breasts bubbled over the top of the costume, inviting stares.

“Trying to enjoy this party, Fiona laughed. She placed her hands on her hips. Fiona drank in $name1 in the nurse’s outfit. “Have you been enjoying yourself?”

“Yeah,” $name1 said. She continued to dance, although she had turned away from her dance partner to talk to Fiona.

“Hey we’ve got one of the rooms upstairs and we are having a private session,” Fiona said. “Why don’t you come upstairs? Get a drink with the rest of us.”

“Sure,” $name1 said. She shrugged her shoulders and followed Fiona, leaving her one-time dance partner looking vexed.

Fiona leads $name1 upstairs past people hanging out on the stairs. They arrived at a room, with the door closed. Fiona turned and smiled at $name1.

$name1 smiled back.

“Girl gets ready, Fiona laughed. She reached out and squeezed one of $name1’s breasts.

“Stop girl,” $name1 laughed. She thought that she heard giggles and laughter coming from the room. “They must be getting hammered in there.”

“Yeah they are,” Fiona looked back at $name1, as she stood in front of the door. “Come on Miss Southern Thang!”

Fiona leaned back into the door, barring $name1 from fully seeing what was going on. Giggles and other sounds emanating from the dark room. There were mixed male and female voices.

“Sounds like they are really partying in there,” $name1 said sheepishly. She leaned in closer to Fiona.

Before she say anything Fiona had grabbed $name1. “Hold up!” $name1 cried out.

“Nope,” Fiona whispered in her ear. She licked and nibbled on $name1’s ear. “This is something we’ve been planning for a long time.”

Fiona pushed and pulled $name1 through the door and into the darkened room.

Another set of hands grabbed $name1’s legs, as she struggled with Fiona. Fiona’s strength surprised $name1.

She squealed when her legs were picked up. She flexed and bucked trying to free herself. $name1 felt herself being laid on something soft; a bed she hoped.

“Don’t struggle,” Fiona whispered in $name1’s ear. Fiona continued to hold onto $name1’s arms. She planted light kisses on $name1’s neck, hoping to calm her down.

“Let me go,” $name1 squealed. A flash of panic raced through her mind. “Please let me go!”

“Keep it down,” came a male voice. “You’ll love this.”

There were several other laughs or snickers from the darkened room.

“Yeah,” Fiona chimed in. Her hand crept up to $name1’s breasts. Fiona began squeezing them. Her fingers, like magic, delicately applying pressure and then releasing them.

$name1 felt a hand go up her costume and touch her shaved pussy. Fiona’s massage of her breasts also distracted her. Then $name1 thought she heard slapping sounds and a low moan. “Please let me go,” $name1 pleaded again.

“Nope,” Fiona laughed.

In the darkness, $name1 could barely make out shapes. A huge shape appeared out of the darkness in front of her.

“This will shut her up,” came a voice.

Suddenly two hands grabbed the sides of $name1’s head and something was shoved into her open mouth. She gagged when it hit the back of her mouth. $name1 realized that it was a dick. She thought about biting it for a moment.

“You better not bite me,” the voice menaced. The dick was pumping in and out of her mouth.

$name1 tried to suck the dick as best as she could. Her face kept getting smashed into a forest of public hairs. $name1 figured that this was some sort of hazing practice that the cheerleaders went through.

“It’s good you ain’t wear no panties,” came another voice. “Even if you did you still would have gotten this.”

$name1 felt several fingers enter her pussy. Then she felt a mouth close over her clit and tongue massage it. The tongue was wonderful, $name1 couldn’t deny it. She bucked up to meet the wonderful tongue.

“She’s liking it,” Fiona laughed. She continued to massage $name1’s nipples.

$name1 moaned. She couldn’t believe that the moan escaped her lips. The dick in her mouth was big. $name1 couldn’t believe what was going on. She was getting face-fucked, her friend was helping to restrain her and someone was finger-banging her. The fingers in her pussy felt good, $name1 tried to suppress another moan. She continued to struggle against her captors.

“Damn she can suck some dick,” said the person face-fucking her. “When I bust you better swallow it all.”

“Yeah,” $name1 managed. She worked the dick in her mouth

“You guys gotta tap that ass,” Fiona said. She continued to squeeze and massage $name1’s breasts while listening to $name1’s breathing quickly pickup. Then she began to lightly nibble on $name1’s ear. “Lighten up $name1. Just relax and enjoy and let it happen.

$name1 couldn’t deny that she needed some good sex. Richard fucked her, but he wasn’t really laying it down. $name1 had mentioned one of their episodes to Fiona and Jessica one night. $name1 felt the person face-fucking her shiver. She knew what it meant.

“Here it comes,” came the voice from the person fucking her face.

The dick spasmed and suddenly erupted, flooding $name1’s mouth with hot, salty cum. The person pulled their dick from $name1’s mouth and smeared some of the remaining cum on her face. Several cheers went up around the room.

“Like that,” came another voice.

Before $name1 could respond another dick was pushed into her waiting mouth. She used her hands to get a better grip on it and started sucking it in earnest.

“Shit she’s ready,” came the voice again.

“I know,” said Fiona. She stopped sucking on $name1’s breasts. “I’m ready.”

$name1 wanted to know what Fiona meant. However, she was too intent on waxing the dick in her mouth and the tongue and fingers in her pussy felt good as hell.

“You ready sexy,” Fiona whispered to $name1.

“Why?” $name1 asked, removing her mouth from the dick for a moment. She suddenly felt the fingers and mouth on her pussy leave her. Then she felt pressure on her pussy lips.

“Because I am about to get you,” Fiona cooed. She pushed $name1’s legs out wide and then pushed the strap-on into her pussy.

$name1 moaned at the intrusion. She had never been fucked with a strap-on or by a girl before.

“You like that baby?” Fiona cooed. She pumped $name1’s pussy slow, allowing her to get used to the size and length of the strap-on and her speed. “I am loving this.”

“Yes,” was all $name1 could manage. The person, who owned the dick currently in her mouth grabbed the back of $name1’s head and began fucking her face. The strap-on in her pussy was bigger than she had thought.

“That’s right,” Fiona cheered. She began to pick up speed, thrusting into $name1’s pussy with more power. Fiona wished she could see $name1’s face right now. She wanted to look into her eyes as she fucked her with the strap-on. “Fuck her face good.”

The person fucking $name1’s mouth needed no more urging, as he continued to slam into her face. $name1 thought that she might gag on the dick but she didn’t. Then she felt a tongue on her ass. $name1 couldn’t believe that someone was now licking her ass.

“That’s right,” Fiona said, as she pumped harder and faster. “Tonight, you’re our treat.”

$name1 moaned. The tongue was slowly tracing a pattern around her ass and asshole. She was scared and excited at the same time. $name1 wanted to tell the person to stick it in, to lick her asshole.

Fiona was fucking her good. She had never been with a woman, but right now Fiona was making her see that she had been missing something.

“I’m about to burst,” said the person fucking $name1’s face. He unloaded in her mouth and then smeared some of it on her face as he pulled his dick from $name1’s mouth.

“Damn,” $name1 moaned. Before she could say anything another dick was shoved into her mouth. She trembled, as a wave of ecstasy washed over her. She knew that she was about to cum.

Author: Maria

Maria is an amateur erotic author, having written shorts on other sex story websites in the past. With an interest in taboo and fantasy, Maria likes to focus on the kinky side of sex, and combines it with the potential sensuality of sex.

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