Mile High Handjob

$name1 is stressed on the plane, sitting next to the handsome $name2… After some flirting and the lights darken for the long-haul passengers to sleep, $name1 calms herself…

On a flight, $name1 felt restless; she wasn’t exactly looking forward to sleep. They had turned off the lights, since it was a long flight to the destination, so the passengers could sleep. $name1 was uneasy, as next to her sat a boy she had flirted with when boarding the plane.

He was wearing sweat pants. She was having trouble keeping her hands in her own lap. The man was a complete stranger, but that didn’t stop her from wanting to take the flirting a step further.

Everything was so dark on the plane, people were asleep, or at least most of them were. Even though it wasn’t hot, she was sweating, she felt her nipples stiffen, and at the slightest touch, that feeling would go straight to her pussy.

Before taking off, the man had told her his name was $name1, and they had talked. That conversation had had sexual overtones. $name1 had undisguisedly seen $name1’s breasts.

She was wearing a dress with a high neckline, and her full breasts could be clearly seen, which she knew, could become an incentive for many men. She had smiled widely; she had patted his arm, in a clear attempt to let $name1 know that she was up for whatever came her way.

$name1 was pretending to sleep at the time, but she hadn’t missed a thing, and she had seen that under $name1’s sweat pants, he had a semi-erection. She suspected that his penis was not fully erect, however, it soon would be, yet she saw that it was large.

$name1 leaned in close, leaning her body against $name1’s, and whispered in his ear, “May I?” He barely moving squeezed one of her legs in response. $name1 took that as a yes, and she brought her hand down to $name1’s pants. Immediately she checked to see if he was large as she had anticipated. He settled better in his seat.

As she moved her hand energetically, the saliva made the job much easier. $name1 closed his eyes tightly and he tried not to make any noise, which was difficult, as $name1 was doing a great job. She squirted more saliva, spreading it well, and the cock grew in her hand, the cock getting fatter and fatter, harder and harder and more provocative.

$name1 was looking in all directions making sure no one was spying on them; $name1 reached out a hand and cupped $name1’s breasts, pulling one out to rub the nipple.

She noticed this made his cock stiffer than ever, and she let out a moan as he rubbed her nipple deliciously. All that movement could get someone’s attention, but it didn’t happen. $name1 moved closer to lick her nipples, burying his face between $name1’s breasts, as she wiggled his cock tirelessly, letting himself be licked by $name1, who had her more than horny.

$name1 knew she wanted to take the party to the plane’s bathroom at some point before the destination. She moved her hand up and down with great speed, and $name1 stirred in his seat, he squeezed her breasts, and $name1 was certain he would come soon.

For this, she sped up the speed at which she was jerking $name1 off, and then, she lowered her head to press her lips against $name1’s glans to receive the delicious semen in her mouth, that way, she wouldn’t make a big mess. She swallowed it all, and $name1 was left with bated breath, still fiddling with $name1’s breasts…

Author: Maria

Maria is an amateur erotic author, having written shorts on other sex story websites in the past. With an interest in taboo and fantasy, Maria likes to focus on the kinky side of sex, and combines it with the potential sensuality of sex.

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